Nanook Rubs It

FZ album(s) in which song has appeared

Tour(s) on which song is known to have been performed (main source: FZShows, v. 7.1)


Foggy G, "The Songs That Were Played," We're Only In It For The Touring

1973: This tune appears in essentially the same form as it would on "Apostrophe", complete with some tasty Frank guitar riffs which save this section from being a complete bore. As always, it appears as part two of the "Don't Eat" suite.

1974 Jul-Dec: Essentially performed as on "Apostrophe", with the standard variation in Frank's limited guitar fills, and in Duke's and Brock's comments. Unlike the YCDTOSA Volume I version, no audience participatipion. Always played as part two of the four part "Don't Eat" Suite.

1978: Essentially performed as on "Saarbrucken" from Beat the Boots Volume I, with the standard deviation coming in Frank's narration of the audience participation segment. This song was always performed as part two of the five part Don't Eat suite.

1979: Performed as on YCDTOSA Volume I, and always appeared as part two of the five part suite. There was some improvisation in this tune, most noticeably in Warren's guitar fills and in Frank's aside comments. Also, it was in this part of the Suite that we got "Audience Participation", and even though this routine basically followed the same format in each performance, they were not word for word recreations. Hey, some of them even had poetry!


Conceptual Continuity

Nanook of the North:
Here, Fido:
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Site maintained by Román García Albertos
This page updated: 2018-03-08