Brown Moses

FZ album(s) in which song has appeared

Tour(s) on which song is known to have been performed (main source: FZShows, v. 7.1)


Foggy G, "The Songs That Were Played," We're Only In It For The Touring

1984: One of the reasons why the '84 band was not simply taken out back and shot. This is a good tune. Essentially played as on YCDTOSA Volume IV, with those excellent vocals and harmonies, Thunes' kick-ass bass playing, and simply some of Frank's most amusing and multi-layered lyrics. Too bad it wasn't played all that often.(For a hilarious take on what this song means, check out "T'Mershi Duween's" Songs of Orange County. If I get enough requests for it, I'll post the interpretation here.)

Mike Keneally (1988 Was A Million Years Ago)

[Boston, February 19, 1988] At rehearsal we performed "Tengo Na Minchia Tanta", "T'Mershi Duween", "Why Don'tcha Do Me Right", "Brown Moses", "Sinister Footwear", "Sy Borg" and "Token Of My Extreme". "Sy Borg" was one we had never played before, and fortunately I knew the chords, so we were able to do a reasonable version of it and give Frank the overriding feeling that it was a doable song, which is good because it's a very nice song.


Conceptual Continuity


Site maintained by Román García Albertos
This page updated: 2016-10-24