Roxy—The Soundtrack

1. Something Terrible Has Happened

We wanna make sure that the cameras will get the music in synchronization with the picture and something terrible has happened.

Liner notes by John Albarian

"We're making a movie here tonight and we want to make sure that the cameras will get the music in synchronization with the picture. And something terrible has happened . . ."
—Frank Zappa, Night One, Show One at The Roxy, 1973

I don't know if Frank actually knew what happened when he said that, but he couldn't have been more right . . . Something terrible did happen and something critical to the production was catastrophically fucked up. Frank's four separate performances at The Roxy were essentially unwatchable: certainly not because of the performances, but because the equipment used to capture the sound for the concerts had malfunctioned.


2. Cosmik Debris



Research, compilation and maintenance by Román García Albertos
This page updated: 2018-07-29