See, he (Zappa) told me he was working on a screenplay called Captain Beefheart and His Girlfriend Sue. Sue was Don's mother. Then there was something about "grunt people." But the first thing he told me about was Captain Beefheart and his Girlfriend Sue. Now this is before I had even met Sue.
Shortly after moving into 'Studio Z,' I heard about an auction at the F. K. Rockett Studios in Hollywood. They were going out of business and dumping some scenery. For fifty dollars I bought more scenery than I could fit in the studio, including a two-sided cyclorama—purple on one side for night, blue on the other side for day—a kitchen, a library interior, a building exterior—everything I needed to make a cheap movie. Every piece that would fit through the doors was dragged in, set up and repainted.
I ended up sleeping in the set for Billy Sweeney's Laboratory. In the back of the studio, next to the toilet, I built a totally implausible, two-dimensional, cardboard rocket ship.
I painted all the sets myself and wrote a script based on the people and facilities available at the time: Captain Beefheart vs. the Grunt People.
The Ontario Daily Report ran a feature story on me and my project in its Sunday centerfold—about how a weird guy in Cucamonga was trying to make a science fiction movie called Captain Beefheart vs. the Grunt People. It was probably that story which caused the San Bernardino County vice squad to take an interest in me.
I had a recording studio in Cucamonga, California. I went to an auction at a place called the FK Rocket Studios in Hollywood. This was 1962. And for $50, I bought a whole bunch of movie sets. They just wanted to get rid of this stuff, and so I trucked it out of there and brought it back to Cucamonga and decided—well, what the fuck?—I'll make an independent movie. So I set up and tried to shoot a movie out there and the name of the movie was Captain Beefheart Vs. The Grunt People.
And about that time, I got a divorce and moved out of my house in Ontario and moved into the studio. I was living in a recording studio and I had a sign on the door that I had gotten from this auction that said TV PICTURES.
He had turned the whole studio into his vision of the B-movie spaceship. I remember him vividly getting excited about it—asking for any junk electronics I had, and taking meters and painting them day-glo orange and putting knobs all over a board and painting it with different day-glo colors. The last time I was in Studio Z, to go to the bathroom you had to go out of the cockpit of this ship and crawl down tunnels underneath and come out in the bathroom.
Frank took over long time friend Paul Buff's Pal Studio in Cucamonga and renamed it Studio Z. I had always wanted to see the infamous studio and one day I got my wish. I was home from school one day, nursing a fever and sore throat (gee, I still got colds even though my tonsils are gone) when Frank burst in the front door! I just knew he was there to brighten my day, by golly. "Hi Candy, how are you, what are you doing home from school? Get dressed, I'm taking you to the studio." [...] We hopped into his mustard-colored 1963 Chevy Bel-Aire station wagon and off we went to Archibald Avenue and Studio Z. I was in awe as soon as I walked in. Being a sheltered Catholic school girl, this was awesome indeed. Frank showed me the props that he had built for a movie he had written called "Captain Beefheart vs. the Grunt People." There was what looked like a spaceship facade and a mad scientist's laboratory. Frank had finished the sets by 1964.
A budding playwright and songwriter, young Zappa lives at 314 W. G St., Ontario. [...]
He has written a movie which he is planning to produce from the Cucamonga studio. It is titled "Captain Beefheart." [The script] includes the minute details of the planned film as well as the cast of characters and their dialogues.
[The vice squad] came to me because my studio received a lot of publicity in the Cucamonga area and I was attempting to raise money to produce a science-fiction film called Captain Beefheart vs. the Grunt People. They had a whole big spread on the studio in the Sunday papers.
Besides working on the hideous little rock opera [I Was A Teen-age Malt Shop], I was trying to raise money for a micro-budget sci-fi film called "CAPTAIN BEEFHEART vs. THE GRUNT PEOPLE." [...] Captain Beefheart was a character I invented for the film. His name derives from one of Don Vliet's relatives who looked like Harry Truman. He used to piss with the door open when Don's girlfriend walked by and make comments about how his whizzer looked just like a beef heart.
I was out in the desert five years ago and i was sitting in a car and we were all stoned. Frank Zappa and I and a bunch of other guys were there. Frank doesn't turn on at all . . . but anyway, I was just sitting there and I started laughing and I had thoughts of this name and I laid it on everybody in the car and Frank says: "Ah! Like you know, that's great, we'll make a movie." So he said: "We'll make a movie and we'll call it 'Captain Beefheart Meets The Grunt People'." So we started work and we studied the script for a year and we wrote a thing and something happened and the movie fell through. It doesn't agree with the things I think now—changed so much in that length of time. It's a good movie though . . . tear on the dotted line, paste up rockets . . . it was really going to be far out.
Paul had built a five-track tape deck, revolutionary in those days, and had gone broke. Frank had $1,500 from a film, and bought Paul out.
He also had bought some film sets from F. K. Rockette Studios on Sunset Boulevard, which had become bankrupt: $5,000 worth for $50. They were 12 feet high, so big that everyone thought they could not be moved.
Frank dragged them to Cucamonga. "To the people who lived in that town it must have been like a Martian had arrived," says Frank. Sardonic chuckle. Work began on the only film that could be made, logistically, using the crazy sets: "Captain Beefheart vs. the Grunt People." (Take my word for the logic: the complete explanation takes 30 minutes to tell.) So Frank Zappa became the movie king of Cucamonga.
He had unlimited recording time, with his own studio, but no money. For nine months he ate a diet of peanut butter, instant mashed potato, coffee and honey. "I was definitely in a chemically altered state," says Frank. The potatoes and coffee were stolen from a blood bank van which was passing through. (Blood bank van? "Yeah," says Frank.)
Jim Sullivan, who worked on the [Jeepers Creepers] show, has claimed that FZ wrote some incidental music for the show. This is quite possible. However, no definitive document exists, musically or on paper, to tell us what this music was or if any recordings survive. Sullivan, by the way, has a copy of the Captain Beefheart Meets The Grunt People script and visited the sets that FZ built for the unrealized production. he said in an interview that FZ wanted him to produce the film, which does not seem unreasonable, given FZ's financial condition at the time, and that he had never produced a film. Sullivan said the sets were so tiny that two people could barely fit on them, but allowed that FZ could have been a great film maker.
revised September 13, 1969 (1:35 pm)
Captain Beefheart vs. The Grunt People! This is a feature-length film, presently in script form, written by Zappa in 1964. Zappa said that thanks in part to Easy Rider and the Woodstock Music & Art Fair—"two of several things finally showing the youth market really means business"—three major studios have made offers to back the flick. Zappa also said that if anyone had shown interest in the film five years ago, he would never have played rock and roll. His "ideal cast" includes parts for, among others, Don Van Vliet, who is better known as Captain Beefheart, an old high school chum of Zappa's; Chester Burnett, better known as Howlin' Wolf; several of the Mothers of Invention; and Grace Slick.
1. Rejection notice of Captain Beefheart screen play (most recent of a long series).
2. Sample page from original Captain Beefheart vs The Grunt People shooting script.
3. Costume design for Captain Beefheart. Hat is made from plastic bleach bottle (crown). Brim is children's toilet seat with duck. Battery operated fan attached at waist keeps horribly foreshortened cape in state of incessant flaptitude (thereby making him look like he's going faster).
Pete Frame: I gather that plans are afoot to begin filming 'Captain Beefheart versus The Grunt People', which Frank wrote some years ago. Can you tell us anything about that? [...] What's the theme? Who are the grunt people?
Captain Beefheart: Who are they, Frank?
FZ: They're these people on the Moon, who wear these clothes which are like burlap bags with fish and garbage sewn on them. They are the villains of the story, but turn out to be the victims of a government agent. It's a little warped—just enough to retain clarity . . . like a mirror that makes your arm look a little larger.
Don VlietSUE
Sue VlietGLEN
Chester Burnett (Howlin' Wolf)BILLY SWEENEY
Jeffrey R. CottonLARRY FANOGA
Motorhead SherwoodCELESTIA
Mark C. Boston (Rockette Morton)STRINZEL
William Harkleroad (Zoothorn Rollo)GULGUM
Victory HaydenORKS
Jeff RochelleALSO:
Den Simms: You guys did this medley called "Orange County Lumber Truck". At the end of that came the section from "Lumpy Gravy". I understand that that part of "Lumpy Gravy" was originally written as part of Captain Beefheart And The Grunt People.
FZ: That was the theme for Captain Beefheart vs. The Grunt People.
[p. 2]
SOUND: music and effects to fit.[p. 3]
SOUND: Captain Beefheart sings unaccompanied . . .
(insert text of "WELL")[p. 10]
MUSIC: "Moonlight On Vermont" pt. I
insert text [...]
MUSIC: "Moonlight" pt. II [...][p. 16]
MUSIC: "Steal Softly Thru Snow"
(insert text)[p. 17]
LARRY: (O.S. singing)
I want to ride a pony [...][p. 22]
SOUND: filtered western music from transistor radio ("Lonely Lips")[p. 23]
SOUND: filtered music from transistor radio
MUSIC: comic ballet accompaniment
"Dali's Car"[p. 24]
SOUND: filtered western music from transistor radio[p. 25]
MUSIC: "Moonlight On Vermont" pt. III[p. 29]
LARRy: (O.S. singing)
Ponies are my joy and pride [...][p. 32]
MUSIC: "Moonlight On Vermont"
insert text [...][p. 45]
SOUND: music and effects to fit[p. 53]
MUSIC: "Frownland"
insert text[p. 63]
MUSIC: "My Human Gets Me Blues"
(insert text)[p. 66-91 missing]
Additional informant: Marc De Bruyn.
Research, compilation and maintenance by Román García Albertos