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Prague 1991

"Adieu CA"
Nahranove Sportoni Hale, Prague, Czechoslavakia

Zappa in Prague (Austrian TV)
7 min.

Pražský Výběr, Prague, Czechoslovakia
11 min.

Appears in:

Michael Kocáb & Pražský Výběr featuring FZ

Music appears on:

Prague, 1991 Prague, 1991 Prague, 1991

Notes & Comments

From: Chris Rigas

This is from a Czechoslovak TV broadcast of the concert called Adieu C.A., celebrating the removal of Soviet Union troops from the Czechoslovak territory. Prazsky Vyber (The Prague Selects) is the group playing under the leadership of Michael Kocab. FZ plays guitar on Improvizace v A dur, where he exchanges guitar solos with Prazsky Vyber's guitarist Michael Pavlicek. FZ participation spans about 7 minutes. This concert is also available on the CD Adieu C.A., which was released in Czechoslovakia.

From: paokara

The concert by the Czech rock group Prazsky Vyber, which took place on June 24, 1991 in the Sports Hall in Prague was called Adieu C.A., which translated means "Goodbye Soviet Army". The concert was to celebrate the removal of the Soviet Union Army from the territory of Czechoslovakia. The concert was organized by the vocalist for Prazsky Vyber, Michael Kocab, who at that time was a member of the Czechoslovak Parliament. One of Kocab's duties at the parliament was overseeing the removal of the Soviet troops.

Frank Zappa jammed with the group on one of the songs: "Improvizace v A dur s Frankem Zappou". FZ played a guitar solo on this cut, which also included a "guitar duel" with Prazsky Vyber's guitarist Michal Pavlicek.

FZ's participation in this concert is captured on the Prazsky Vyber's CD titled Adieu CA, which was released in 1992. The concert was also shown on Czechoslovak TV.

From: Istvan Fekete

Frank was a guest at the concert of the band 'Prazsky Vyber'. The event celebrated the withdrawal of soviet troups from Czechoslovakia. (C.A. = Soviet Army)

The czech guitar player tried to provoke FZ into a guitar duel.

FZ who didn't play for 3 yrs left a little bit angry.


Additional informant: Javier Marcote

Maintained by Román García Albertos
This section formerly maintained by Reverend Neve
This dog last modified: 2014-01-11