WYWO (SUNPYG) | WYWA I (Apocrypha) | WYWA II (JFH) |
00:00-00:49 | 00:00-00:51 | 00:00-00:51 |
00:49-01:53 | 00:51-01:59 | 00:51-01:59 |
01:53-03:02 | 01:59-03:12 | 01:59-03:12 |
03:02-03:35 | 03:12-03:48 | 03:12-03:48 |
03:35-04:25 | 03:48-04:40 | 03:48-04:38 (*) |
04:25-05:20 | 04:40-05:38 | 04:38-05:36 |
05:20-05:58 | 05:38-06:19 | 05:36-06:17 |
06:19-07:16 (**) | 06:17-07:13 (**) |
(*) At 3:48, "While You Were Art II" changes pitch, down 9 semitones.
(**) From 6:17 and 6:19 on, "While You Were Art I" and "While You Were Art II" repeat variations of the same figure.
Site maintained by Román García Albertos