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At a particularly memorable 1972 Hollywood Palladium MOI concert (of which Zappa held fond recollections of Lancelotti singing "Smog Sucker"), the lion-maned vocalist favored the crowd with ferocious scat-singing whenever FZ was inspired to beckon him from the wings.
Who knows about this show where Ricky Lancellotti sings "Smog Sucker" also mentioned in TLE liner notes? What show, what venue, WHAT DATE?
The booklet says "1972 Hollywood Palladium MOI concert". There was no such show.
Of course, FZ often identified 1973 shows as 1972 (e.g. Father O'Blivion on YCDTOSA 6). I guess his personal calendar was put on pause while he was in the wheelchair. So presumably the "Smog Sucker" show was the Palladium show on March 23, 1973. No tape is known to be in circulation.
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