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Hall Of The Mountain King

(Edvard Grieg)

FZ album(s) in which song has appeared


Tour(s) on which song is known to have been performed (main source: FZShows, v. 7.1)



A partial list of "Hall Of The Mountain King" quotes, compiled by Charles Ulrich

75/05/23 El Paso (Dupree's Purgatory)
75/10/29 (early) Waterbury (Illinois Enema Bandit)
76/03/02 (late) Lund (Black Napkins)
84/10/10 Bologna (Trouble Every Day)
84/10/14 Rome (Illinois Enema Bandit)
84/11/18 Columbus (King Kong)
84/12/18 (late) Vancouver (City Of Tiny Lights)
88/02/09 Washington (Bamboozled By Love)
88/03/04 Chicago (The Torture Never Stops)
88/04/22 Würzburg (Stairway To Heaven)
88/04/27 Oslo (The Torture Never Stops, Stairway To Heaven)
88/05/26 Fürth (Stairway To Heaven)
1988 all performances of The Torture Never Stops

Any more?



Site maintained by Román García Albertos
This page updated: 2019-11-10