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I started this site on April 14, 1998, and it hasn't stopped growing since then. It's kind of an unleashed monster which I can't control anymore. But it is a lot of fun trying. Especially thanks to all the people who send contributions, corrections & comments. They make it feel worth it.
So, on this particular date, thank you all!
Lately, somehow surreptitiously, I've been adding pages with notes and comments about the albums —as an extension of Vladimir Sovetov's ARF: Notes & Comments site—, the chronology, and more stuff, including the sources of most of the information (which is not knowledge) on the site. Sometimes those pages weren't even linked from anywhere else. Now they are not hidden anymore, and there is even a Notes & Comments index. Although as everything else on the site this new section is kind of a work in progress thing, so it is still not as consistent as it should.
April 14, 2018
Recently I've decided to change the name of the whole site from FZ Lyrics & Else to Information Is Not Knowledge (or IINK), because this beast has got so big that is not only about the lyrics anymore. And besides that, I've been told that the former title was grammatically incorrect, so I thought it was time for a change.
August 16, 2005
This site was originally constructed to answer that ol' eternal burning question: What the hell are they saying?
So this is an attempt to transcript all the words heard in every Frank Zappa album. It's a work-in-progress taken from the point where the old Robbert Heederik's St. Alphonzo's Pancake Homepage site left, and it's very open to suggestions and corrections. So if you feel like what you actually hear differs from what you find written here, please tell me so.
Then this thing started growing, and a detailed Chronology was included in order to help placing the recordings in their actual context, and then an extensive Songlist which tries to include all known performances and recordings made of each song by FZ, including in which album(s) has appeared, comments and conceptual continuity clues.
Further than that, this site begun to absorb a lot of stuff formerly included at Reverend Neve's Zappa Page, beginning with the FZ Collaborations and Related Projects section, then the Unreleased Music one, and more recently the Videography. Any help, correction, addition or comment regarding all this stuff is welcome!
This site owes its existence to Vladimir Sovetov, Patrick Neve & Johan Wikberg, for their original help and support, to Charles Ulrich, for his always helpful suggestions and his love for the details, and to Michael P. Dawson, Jon Naurin, Bill Lantz & Patrick Buzby for sharing their knowledge and continuous researching with the rest of the world. Thank you very much and thank you!
September 28, 2003
To do these pages I've tried to follow the HTML 4.01 Specification proposed by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).
This specification recomends the use of style sheets to improve the graphic display of contents, so then I've tried to follow the CSS2 Specification (Cascading Style Sheets, level 2), also proposed by the W3C.
The problem is some bad OBSOLETE browsers don't follow all the W3C recomendations. So . . .
There's a lot of things that bad OBSOLETE browsers developers still should do to fit in the standars.
I ask for your patience and understanding while they do that. Thanks.
June 16, 2000
Site maintained by Román García Albertos