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(Pražský Výběr, CD, Art Production K 0001-2311, Czechoslovakia, March 3, 1992)
Sports Hall, Prague, Czechoslovakia
June 24, 1991
Michael Kocáb—vocals, keyboards, trumpet
Michael Pavlicek—guitar
Vilem Cok—bass guitar, vocals
David Koller—drums
Stanislav Jelinek—guitar
Franta Honig—percussion
Milos Vacik—percussion
Ladislav Faktor—keyboards
The Roucek Brass Band
FZ—guitar on track 6
re-issued on Pražský Výběr, Komplet (Bonton Music a.s. 71 0277/8-2, Czech Rep., 1995)
Michael Kocáb: Tak dovolte, abych vam predstavil—Mr. Frank Zappa! [So let me introduce you—Mr. Frank Zappa!]
FZ: I have only a few words to say (translation) . . . before I go through the grueling process of tuning my guitar (translation) . . . but I am very happy to be here tonight (translation) . . . this is . . . (much applause) . . . this is the first time that I have had a reason to play my guitar in three years (translation). So, (more applause) . . . I'm sure you already know it, but this is just the beginning of your new future in this country (translation) . . . and I hope that your new future will be very perfect, very perfect (translation) . . . and as you confront the new changes that will take place, please try and keep your country unique. Don't change into something else. Keep it unique (translation). What we are going to do is a reggae improvisation in the key of A (translation). And if there are any Soviet troops in the audience, you may dance home to this (translation).
Concert date: June 24th, 1991 (Prague, Czechoslovakia)
This is available on the following CD:
Prazsky Vyber: Adieu C.A.
Catalog No.: AP 0001-2311
Track 6: Improvizace v A Dur s Frankem Zappou
The tracks are listed thusly (keep in mind there are many punctuation marks not featured on my keyboard):
1. Reminiscence
2. Cicolina
3. Knedlik
4. Zubata
5. Spickova Kultura
6. Improvizace V A Dur S Frankem Zappou
7. Snazivec
8. Blaznivy Reggae
9. Prazskej Buran
10. Tatrman
11. Proc Jen Ja
The Prazsky Vyber musicians at the concert were:
Michael Kocab—vocals, keyboards, trumpet
Michal Pavlicek—guitar
Vilem Cok—bass guitar, vocals
David Koller—drums
Stanislav Jelinek—guitar
Franta Honig—percussions
Milo Vacik—percussions
Ladislav Faktor—keyboards
The Roucek Brass Band
and of course Frank Zappa on guitar
This music grows on you. It sometimes sounds Kafka-esque, rather scary, other times very tight, kick-ass music. In one tune, they quote from "Can't Buy Me Love." I wish I had more info on this too. Perhaps my brother has more info. I'll ask him. Eventually, Zappa is introduced:
Here's what I hear:
Interesting Slavic Rock Song ends to applause; Slavic Guy Says: (something like) Ta Ja Ga Voltay . . . Abi Fram Zitz Stavel . . . Mister FRANK ZAPPA!!!
FZ: I have only a few words to say (translation) . . . before I go through the grueling process of tuning my guitar (translation) . . . but I am very happy to be here tonight (translation) . . . this is . . . (much applause) . . . this is the first time that I have had a reason to play my guitar in three years (translation). So, (more applause) . . . I'm sure you already know it, but this is just the beginning of your new future in this country (translation) . . . and I hope that your new future will be very perfect, very perfect (translation) . . . and as you confront the new changes that will take place, please try and keep your country unique. Don't change into something else. Keep it unique (translation). What we are going to do is a reggae improvisation in the key of A (translation). And if there are any Soviet troops in the audience, you may dance home to this (translation).
Then a reggae improv in A ensues. I would classify this as an excellent solo. He does not sound like he ever put the thing down!
Just would like to correct one of Michael's russian errors Mother! by Michael Gray (1994 edition. p.225)
Footnote dealing with the name of 'Prazsky Vyber—Live—Adieu CA' Czech LP. "On AP Records of Prague, catalogue no. 0001-2311, 'CA' was Czech's abreviated name for the Soviet army."
Well, it isn't Czech's abbreviaton at all (which is SA in fact). CA is a russian abbreviation for Soviet Army (óÏxÓËÁÑ áÒÍÉÑ—óá), but even more important here that this two golden letters were on shoulder-straps of every soviet private at home and in Czechoslovakia too. So the Adieu to CA was very graphical for the people of that country.
"Slavic Guy" is Michael Kocab. He says in Czech: "Tak dovolte, abych vam predstavil—Mr. Frank Zappa!" Which means: "So let me introduce you—Mr. Frank Zappa!"
Percussionist Vacik si Milos, not "Milo". Art Productions K and Bonton Music are Czech companies, not Hungarian
This track appears in three forms. 1. the Adieu CA album. 2. A television broadcast video. 3. A 2CD retrospective of Prazsky Vyber's career, called "Komplet". The track in question on this version is called "Improvizace v Adur s F. Zappou".
Subject: Prazsky Vyber "Komplet" 2CD set
The track on this 2CD set is the exact same recording as on "Adieu CA". Since the latter has been out of print for years, the Bonton Music label decided to include it on this Prazsky Vyber career compilation.
As far as I know, this CD was available only in Czechoslovakia. The FZ portion of the concert also appears on another Prazsky Vyber CD titled Komplet, which was released in the Czech Republic in 1995. Again, I don't know if this is available outside the Czech Republic.
Wrong. It was also available as japanese import in some shops specialised in imports. Very expensive. I paid 59,- DM for it.
Prazsky Vyber "Adieu C. A."
APK (Art Production K.)
AP 0001-2311
(MSIF 1200)Of course it does include one of those nice inserts only Toshi can read...
Informant: Greg Russo